My Eczema Comes Back

People are often under a misconception about what the creams they use to treat their eczema are actually doing.  A common complaint I have about the Calendulis Plus Cream is that whilst it clears the eczema up the eczema returns when they stop using the cream.

Calendulis Plus Cream treats the symptoms of Eczema

Calendulis plus Cream like all other creams on the market does not cure eczema.  It treats the symptoms – redness, inflammation and itchiness. Whilst you are using the Calendulis Plus Cream and have its effects on your skin it will control the symptoms.

When the effects wear off the symptoms will return.  This is not a sign that the Calendulis Plus Cream is not working but rather that it needs to be reapplied.

A similar analogy is if you take a Panadol it will get rid of your headache however unless you have removed the cause of your headache it will return after a couple of hours.  The same is so for Calendulis Plus Cream.

Using Calendulis Plus Cream

Calendulis Plus is designed to be used on the affected areas of skin when the eczema is present.  When the eczema resolves stop using the cream but recommence at first signs of the eczema reappearing. Calendulis Plus Cream can be used up to four times a day whilst the eczema is present and is most effective when used in conjunction with Grahams Bath Oil.

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