Psoriasis Q & A

Who gets Psoriasis?

Psoriasis affects approximately 2 – 4% of the population. The first symptoms usually appear between the age of 10 and 35 years, although it can appear at any age. Psoriasis usually runs in families.

How common is Psoriasis of the fingernails?

Almost 50% of psoriasis sufferers will experience psoriasis of the fingernails. Here the nail will appear pitted and occasionally an accumulation of dead cells will cause the nail to lift.

Where does Psoriasis occur?

Psoriasis usually affects the skin. The most common sites are the elbows and knees followed by the scalp and lower back region. Whilst psoriasis can affect any part of the body the face is rarely affected. Psoriasis usually occurs symmetrically. That is it affects both sides of the body equally.

However it can also affect the finger and toe nails giving them a pitted appearance. Occasionally people with psoriasis may experience arthritis like symptoms of the spine and joints.

Can I catch Psoriasis off my sister?

Whilst psoriasis can be passed on genetically it is not infectious and cannot be passed from person to person by contact.

What are the most common symptoms of Psoriasis?

The psoriasis rash tends to vary in appearance, however the most common symptoms are:

  • Patches of thickened red skin covered with silvery scales usually on the elbow, knees and scalp.
  • Numerous small, red, slightly scaly patches scattered over the trunk.
  • Pitted and thickened nails.
  • Pain and discomfort if the affected skin becomes cracked.
  • Itching is not always present but may be a factor.

What can I do to stop my psoriasis breaking out?

Warm weather, sunlight and humidity all have beneficial effects on psoriasis. Whilst emotional stress and anxiety will often lead to an exacerbation (outbreak). Skin trauma (ie sunburn) will also often result in the development of new psoriasis lesions.

Does Psoriasis affect all races?

About 3% of white adults have psoriasis, however it is uncommon in coloured people. Both sexes are affected equally.

Can you cure Psoriasis?

Unfortunately there is no known cure for psoriasis. With treatment it can often be brought under control and even put into remission, but there is always the possibility of flare ups.

Why is my skin so red and inflamed?

With psoriasis your skin cells are producing cells much more rapidly than normal. To feed these rapidly dividing cells an extra supply of blood is required. The build up of pinpoint dilated capillaries makes the skin appear red and inflamed.

How many people have eczema or psoriasis?

You are not alone. It is estimated that approximately 30% of the population will suffer from eczema or psoriasis.

Is the sun good for psoriasis?

Although sunburn can cause a flare up of psoriasis, exposure to sunlight is generally very good for the condition.

Are the products effective for psoriasis?

Yes! Our range of products are very effective for psoriasis (in fact they work well for any inflammatory skin condition).

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