Magnesium and Eczema

The involvement of magnesium in the body and its relevance to eczema is very complex.  I have tried to outline it simply to give you a basic understanding.

Magnesium essential for good health

Magnesium is a metallic element whose presence in our body is essential for good health.

A magnesium deficiency in the body will increase the body’s sensitivity to stress.  Likewise, an increase in stress will aggravate magnesium deficiency.  Thus creating a vicious cycle.  As you know stress tends to aggravate eczema.

Stress will also stop the production of the stomach acid, hydrochloric acid. (HCL).  The best known nutrient deficiency resulting from decreased HCL is a vitamin B12 deficiency.  Vitamin B12 assists in tissue repair.  A lack of HCL is prevalent specifically in atopic dermatitis.

Magnesium deficiency will also result in an increase in histamine production.  This in turn causes the blood vessels to swell and fluid to leak into the skin and underlying tissues.  The end result is red blotches on the skin and itchiness, again a classic symptom of eczema.

Lipid (fat) metabolism is also affected when there is a magnesium deficiency.  This causes changes to the skins protective barrier.  Scientists suspect that these changes are what make eczema sufferers more sensitive to irritants.  These people have lower levels of fatty acids in their skin.  Since fatty acids provide moisture and elasticity to the skin it stands to reason that a deficiency of fatty acids will result in dryness and a reduction in the skins ability to control inflammation – the dry inflamed patches of eczema.

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