Archives for September 2010

Itching, Scratching – Scratching, Itching

Just throw in eczema and you have the complete annoying package. The itch is often the worst and most irritating part of eczema and scratching is usually the most damaging. Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that has a typical red rash, dry skin and is always itchy.  The itch can be so bad that […]

Junk Food Causes Eczema

Foods often trigger eczema.  This is a fact now commonly accepted.  People prone to eczema often find their condition will worsen when they eat certain foods which they are sensitive or allergic to. New study shows junk food causes eczema A recent study comparing the diet of children in Florence, Italy to the diet of […]

Treating Eczema & Psoriasis From The Inside

Eczema and psoriasis are both inflammatory skin conditions that will affect all individuals differently. There is no direct known cause as to why some people get it and some don’t, but a few probable causes have been identified over the years.

Stasis Eczema

Unlike most eczema’s Stasis Eczema is rarely found in children. It occurs on the lower legs of older adults and is the result of a venous return problem. Also known as venous eczema or gravitational eczema, stasis eczema presents as dry, red, scaly patches on the legs that are itchy and irritated.

Don’t Scratch

This is one of the most common phases of a mother with a child with eczema. However telling someone with an itch not to scratch is a waste of breath. You just can’t help it.

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