Archives for July 2010

Treatment for Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea, the skin condition causing a red rash on the face of many adults was until recently thought to be caused by blushing or high blood pressure.

Recent studies however have revealed that Rosacea is in fact caused by a parasite that lives on the skin and around the hair follicles of 98% of adults, but only causes problems in a select few.

A wine a day keeps your eczema away!

I have just read an article on the net stating that “wine may be an effective eczema treatment.”

Surely, this is too good to be true. It would appear that some German scientists have produced a seaweed wine using whole brown seaweed which they state will help improve eczema.

Treat Eczema

If we knew exactly how to treat eczema, there would be a lot of happy and itch free people out there! But unfortunately, as you all would know there is no easy way to treat eczema.

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