Archives for March 2011

Child Immunizations and Eczema

When I was a baby, mother’s routinely took their babies to the clinic to have their routine vaccinations. When I was a baby Whooping Cough was almost non existent. Today many mothers question the benefits of immunizations and decide not to have their babies immunized. Today it is not uncommon to hear of a child […]

Tips For Using Emollients

Regardless of the type of emollient you choose to use there are some common rules that if followed will enable you to gain the most benefit from your emollient. To reduce the risk of infection always wash your hands before applying your emollient. Always patch test an emollient that is being used for the first […]

Diagnosing Eczema

Eczema is a chronic, itchy,inflammatory condition affecting the upper layers of the skin. Hence the itch and the classic red, scaly, crusted or blistered rash must be present for eczema to be diagnosed. The symptoms must also last for a long period of time or must reappear frequently.  Having  a close family member who is […]

Does Diet Affect Psoriasis?

This is a question I often get asked and unfortunately there is no straightforward answer. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease causing an overproduction of skin cells.  This results in thickened patches of skin, which are red and scaly and often itchy and painful.  The patches most commonly appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, […]

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