Archives for October 2008

Sorbolene & Eczema

Sorbolene is a popular, inexpensive moisturizer consisting mainly of purified water, parafin and glycerin. It is manufactured by many different companies so there are a variety of brands available. However regardless of the brand the basic product is the same.

Psoriasis during Pregnancy

A study carried out a while ago by Jenny Murase and colleagues at the University of California has revealed that there may be a correlation between an improvement of psoriasis in pregnant women and the levels of estrogen in the body at this time.

Eczema Increases Thirst

The classic eczema symptoms are itchiness, redness, dryness and scaling of the skin. However, there are also many other eczema symptoms that are not obviously related to the skin. Symptoms such as thirst caused by loss of fluid from the skins tissues, over sensitivity to cold and heat, and the prevalence of other allergic conditions such as asthma and hay fever, are all types of eczema symptoms that many people experience.

Which condition is it?

Eczema or Psoriasis Psoriasis and eczema are both inflammatory skin conditions which result in considerable discomfort and can prove difficult to treat.  Psoriasis and Eczema are both very common and the exact cause of these conditions are not known.  Although psoriasis and eczema are not life threatening, they can cause severe misery and disruption to […]

Seborrheic Eczema

The itch at the top The head may only take up a small proportion of the body but if there is a problem at the top end it can affect everything.  Eczema of the scalp is a very common problem, and the associated itchiness can drive you mad. There are two basic forms – that […]

Eczema is Contagious – Fact or Fallacy

In many cases it looks so bad that a lot of people think it must be contagious or so the old wives tale goes. Like many wives tales though, it is fallacy rather than fact.

Establishing a Daily Skin Care Routine

Skin that is dry will often be sore and irritated. Therefore, the first line of treatment for eczema tends to be to lubricate and moisten the skin. This will replace water and oils that have been lost due to the skin condition.

Care in the Sun

It is hard to deny ourselves the pleasures of the sun and indeed we shouldn’t have to. It is simply a matter of taking the time to minimise the risk of sun induced skin damage.

Home remedy for Eczema

There are countless types of home remedy’s for eczema that well meaning people have passed on over time. A home remedy for eczema is often formulated through trial and error. Each one of us is different and our bodies respond differently to different regimens.

Allergies and Eczema

Within our society thousands of adults and children suffer from eczema. The most common form of eczema is atopic eczema, which is triggered by allergies.

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