Archives for January 2009

Tip: Playing Sport

It’s summer and my children are keen sports. Unfortunately though, eczema and sport do not go together. Sport can cause you to overheat, which can make your eczema symptoms worse. This is not only embarrassing, but uncomfortable.

General Skin Care Tips for people with eczema

•    Avoid exfoliating treatments as they may irritate the skin. •    Use cotton lined water proof gloves when immersing your hands in water. •    Wear plain cotton gloves when doing household chores like dusting and cleaning. •    Shower or bath in lukewarm water rather than hot water. •    Avoid vigorous drying after showering.  Dabbing with […]

Moving into the adult world with eczema

Just like when they were a child the teenager with eczema must be selective about the activities they choose. This is especially so when it comes to selecting a career.

Eczema and Skin infections

Skin infections are a common problem associated with eczema. The problem is the eczema is just so itchy it is hard not to scratch. The skin is already tender, fragile and irritated so repeated scratching can easily

Helpful hints to help minimise eczema

We all know what it is like to have eczema or to live with someone who has eczema. And we all know how difficult it can be to keep the condition under control.

Here are some helpful hints that you can

Eczema is affected by coffee

Whilst not directly involved in eczema caffeine can irritate the gut lining and make it more permeable. This in turn can make you more likely to develop a food sensitivity. If you are prone to eczema a food sensitivity may trigger an eczema flare up. Cutting out or at least decreasing the amount of coffee, tea, chocolate and cola-type drinks is advisable.

Contact dermatitis

Eczema of the hand is very common and whilst it may be the result of an allergy, as in atopic eczema, it is more often the result of the skin coming in contact with an irritant. This form of eczema is known as

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